Posted in Dev Exploitation freebsd Linux

RIP Redis : Comment Garantia Data a orchestré ce qui pourrait être considéré comme le plus grand « vol » de l’histoire de l’open source, selon Khawaja Shams et Tony Valderrama

Continue Reading... RIP Redis : Comment Garantia Data a orchestré ce qui pourrait être considéré comme le plus grand « vol » de l’histoire de l’open source, selon Khawaja Shams et Tony Valderrama
Posted in Dev Exploitation Linux

Puppet CA/puppetmasterd cert renewal

While we’re still converting our puppet controlled infra to Ansible, we still have some nodes “controlled” by puppet, as converting some roles isn’t something that can be done in just one or two days. Add to that other items in your backlog that all have priority set to #1 and then time is flying, until you realize this for your existing legacy puppet environment (assuming false FQDN here, but you’ll get the idea):

So, as long as your PKI setup for puppet is still valid, you can act in advance, resign/extend CA and puppetmasterd and distribute newer CA certs to agents, and go forward with other items in your backlog, while still converting from puppet to Ansible (at least for us)

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Posted in Linux

Amavis per recipients forward method

a new configuration variable @forward_method_maps (along with making a delivery_method() a property of a recipient instead of being a property of a message) makes per-recipient forwarding method selection possible; suggested by Ralf Hildebrandt;

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Posted in Linux Network

Gate One

I came across a program called Gate One by LiftOff Software that just amazed me. This is an open-source, web-based ssh terminal. It is capable of multiple users, sessions, and bookmarks. I’ve tried a number of AJAX terminals or Java applet based ones in the past. The javascript ones usually did not have very good terminal emulation, while the Java apps worked, but worked just like a local desktop app (making it’s own connection to port 22). Gate One uses WebSockets, allowing for full duplex communication through your web browser over the same port 80 or 443 used to serve up the web page.

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Posted in Exploitation Linux

awk Tutorial

La commande awk Philosophie On parle souvent de awk comme d’une version améliorée de sed. En effet, on retrouve la notion de portée de commande et de manipulation de texte, mais à mon avis, cette comparaison s’arrête la. Si sed dispose d’une commande if, l’on ne peut parler de langage de programmation alors que cette notion s’applique totalement à awk. Il n’est pas question ici de traiter totalement awk mais juste de vous donner un bref aperçu de sa puissance. Dû à la complexité de awk, il ne nous sera pas possible de traiter ce langage de façon extensive. Aussi, nous allons procéder à un rapide tutorial dans la première partie et donner une référence rapide des fonctionnalités les plus utilisées dans une seconde.

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Posted in Linux

Linux Performance Tools: CPU and Memory

3.2. Linux Performance Tools: CPU and Memory Here begins our discussion of performance tools that enable you to extract the memory performance information described previously.

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Posted in Dev Exploitation Linux

Simple Vi Cheat Sheet

Un petit pense-bête bien pratique sur les commandes Vim

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Posted in Dev Linux

Advanced Vi Cheat Sheet

Advanced Vi Cheat Sheet

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Posted in EeePC Exploitation Linux

NTFS Cloning and shrinking

“Honey, I shrunk the filesystem!” Recently I bought a solid-state harddisk, an Intel X25M. I wanted to use this disk in my Windows development system, without having to do a fresh install of Windows XP. I really didn’t want to install all my applications again, not to speak of all the custom configurations and tweaks I usually apply to Windows to make it palatable. So I thought I’d just make a image copy of my old harddisk to this new one, and be done with it.

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Posted in Dev Linux MediaCenter

Emdebian — Emdebian Grip packages

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