Posted in Dev Exploitation Linux

CSS – Cameron Simpson’s Scripts

CSS is a large collection of scripts (over 1000) and their supporting modules. There are tools for a wide variety of tasks, many sysadmin and text manipulation related, some mere finger convenience. There are even a few manual entries. Css scripts package

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Posted in Dev Exploitation Linux

RabbitMQ OpenSources Messages Service

Un Projet fort intéressant, supporté par la fondation Mozilla, qui permet de s’interfacer avec un grand nombre de langages. Et ce sur de nombreuse Plateforme (Windows, Linux, VMS …) Je recopie la présentation des fonctionalités, en anglais, mais très complète.

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Posted in écologie

le dirigeable, une solution d’avenir?

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Posted in Dev

Portable Eclipse

The steps for a portablEclipse aren’t that hard: get Eclipse and extract it to your portable drive install a JDK on your or any other PC (I really mean the Java Development Kit, not the JRE – anyway, both should work). The default installation path should be something like “C:\Programs\Java”, containing a folder named “jdk1.5.0_xx” create a subfolder “JDKs” in your eclipse folder (depending on your drive letter and extraction path this should look like P:\someFolders\eclipse\JDKs copy the jdk1.5.0_xx folder into the JDKs folder. (like P:\someFolders\eclipse\JDKs\jdk1.5.0_xx) edit the file “P:\someFolders\eclipse\eclipse.ini” to

(replace “jdk1.5.0_xx” with the actual folder name) This is more elegant than using a batch file due to being independent from drive letters and path variables. go to a pc with OR WITHOUT java installed. Connect your portable drive and run “P:\someFolders\eclipse\eclipse.exe” when asked for a workspace location, you can enter “.\workspace”, which will create a workspace in your eclipse folder (like “P:\someFolders\eclipse\workspace\”) do javanese

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Posted in Exploitation

MQSeries FAQ

Update: 6 Aout 2006 Version: 1.0 Author: Jean-Louis Bicquelet-Salaün Location: Copyright: (c) 2004-2006 Jean-Louis BICQUELET-SALAÜN Pour plus d’information au sujet de cette faq, contactez Jean-Louis BICQUELET FAQ Revised: Wednesday 30 August 2006 13:16:3

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Posted in Exploitation


Une petite FAQ sur l’utilisation de CFT.

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Posted in Linux

Les Conteneurs Linux

Petite révolution dans la demeure, je vais encore chambouler notre architecture domestique. En effet, puisqu’aujourd’hui je travaille exclusivement dans mon garage (le vieux rêve que voilà -;), je n’ai plus le courage d’éteindre la bête de course qui me sert de poste de travail. Du coup, le petit serveur miniITX a perdu sa raison d’être et l’envie m’a pris de la virtualiser sur la grosse bête. Quoi de plus logique au fond, tant qu’à consommer des watts, autant que cela soit le plus rentable possible.

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Posted in Perso

L’installation d’Hadopi sous Linux enfin possible !

Ça y est ! J’ai trouvé ! Il est anéfé possible d’installer le logiciel d’Hadopi sous Linux. Voici la procédure d’installation depuis un terminal ( [troll] Linux oblige [/troll] ) qui vous rafraîchira un peu les idées après l’ivresse des fêtes : Code :

Quel suspense ! Hormis l’objectif de divertissement proposé par ce déroulement d’installation quelque peu singulier et le parti pris flagrant dans ce processus, il s’agit également d’une rétrospective détaillée du processus de création et de (tentative) de mise en place d’Hadopi. La suite au prochain épisode ? ( source : )

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Posted in backup Linux

Moving Backuppc Data Dir

Tech Recipe for Backuppc I will explain briefly how to move the Backuppc __TOP_DIR__ to another disk. The main reason of this long data processing is the performance improvement. I’ve tried several Filesystems and different under layer block device ( RAID5, RAID10) alwaysover LVM. For the moment the best seems to be RAID10 with 32K chunksize and a reiserfs filesystem mounted with (notail,noatime) options. The backup speed is not that much faster than on ext3 filesystem, but the main advantage of Reiserfs is that compare to ext3 the disk usage is reduced from 34G in ext3 to 27G in Reiserfs. The next step will be to test Btrfs performance but for that I first need to migrate from kernel 2.6.18 to 2.6.28 or higher 😉 So let start the recipe

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Posted in Dev Linux

Vi VimDiff

Usefull vimdiff commands to view diff and merge October 15, 2008 @ 8:20 am · Filed under Linux Diffing the files and merging them is one of the very common task we do everyday. Following are few very useful commands to view the diff using vim and merge them using the vimdiff commands instead of copying and pasting from one file to another.

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