Posted in Desktop Linux

Keepass 2 for Linux

Running KeePass under Mono (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, …) In addition to Windows, KeePass 2.x runs fine under Mono, i.e. Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, etc. In order to run KeePass, follow these steps:

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Posted in Desktop Dev Linux Xorg

Compiz Dev build howto


A guide outlining how to install current master can be found here.

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Posted in Desktop EeePC Linux Xorg

Xandros EeePC fastinit X11Session

File launching the EeePC Xorg Session after system fastinit xandros launch the graphic session by calling this cript

Probleme de VFS lock sync sur le montage NFS 🙁

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Posted in Desktop GNOME Linux Xorg

Compiz Memories of the Way Windows Were

Hack and / – Memories of the Way Windows Were November 1st, 2008 by Kyle Rankin Still arranging windows by hand? Learn how to take advantage of Compiz’s window memory, so it can do the work for you. I’m a half-organized person. On one hand, if something of mine has a place, I can be pretty anal about making sure I put it back every time I use it. On the other hand, if something doesn’t have a place, it inevitably ends up in a pile or a junk drawer. I’ve learned that if I want to be organized, I must give everything a home.

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