Catégorie : Linux
sed Tutorial
sed tutorial � sed introduction � sed examples #1 � sed commands � regular expressions � more sed examples intro home – top of the page – email sed – Stream EDitor – works as a filter processing input line by line. Sed reads one line at a time, chops off the terminating newline, puts what is left into the pattern space (buffer) where the sed script can process it (often using regular expressions), then if there anything to print – sed appends a newline and prints out the result (usually to stdout).
Distribution Linux ProxMox : la virtualisation libre et facile
À de nombreuses reprises dans ces colonnes, vous ont été présentés des logiciels libres de virtualisation de PC (Qemu, VirtualBox, Xen…) ou commerciaux (Vmware, Xen…) . Nous allons découvrir la distribution Proxmox au travers de 7 articles.
Mastering the VI editor
University of Hawaii at Manoa College of Engineering Mastering the VI editor in PDF
100 Vim commands every programmer should know
Since the 70′s, Vi is one of the programmer’s best friend. Nevermind you’re new to Vi or not, here’s a big list of 100 useful commands, organized by topic, which will make your coder life better.
Keepass 2 for Linux
Running KeePass under Mono (Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, …) In addition to Windows, KeePass 2.x runs fine under Mono, i.e. Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, etc. In order to run KeePass, follow these steps:
Logging Java in Syslog
log4j et syslog : avoir une configuration commune
VirtualBox Linux Guest customization
VirtualBox is a virtual pc emulator like vmware. It has many of the features vmware has, as well as some of its own. It is in constant development and new features are implemented all the time. eg. version 2.2 introduced OpenGL 3D acceleration support for Linux and Solaris guests. It has a nice GUI interface (Qt and/or SDL) or command line tools for managing virtual machines. Headless operation is also supported. Running iTunes under VirtualBox is the only way (currently) to sync iPod Touch/iPhone firmware 3.0+.
Advanced Power Management with Hdparm
Disks and Filesystems Disks are one of the few moving parts in your computer, and they tend to have a high speed data link going to them. Both of these properties turn disks into serious power consumers when they’re active.
Utilisation de Hdparm
Hdparm hdparm est l’utilitaire par excellence sous Linux pour régler les paramètres des disques durs IDE.